Guatemalan children laughing together. Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers) has supported locally-led projects in Canada and around the world to help free people to reach their fullest potential.

Photo from a project we supported in Guatemala.

We are the peace and social justice agency of The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in Canada.


CFSC envisions a world in which dignity, justice, peace, human rights, and harmonious relationships with creation are fostered and upheld.



Quakers seek to experience and answer to that of God in all creation. In living out this experience, CFSC’s values are rooted in the Quaker testimonies of simplicity, peace, integrity, community, equality, and respect for all creation.



CFSC alleviates suffering and develops transformative and sustainable approaches to human rights, justice, and peace. We act through practical assistance, research, education, and policy dialogues.


Our practical approach


  1. offers direct practical assistance,
  2. engages in policy dialogues with decision makers,
  3. analyzes situations through research, and
  4. does outreach and communications work to educate and engage around the issues.

Each of these four types of activities uphold and mutually inform the others.

Underlying and absolutely fundamental to all of this work are Quaker faith and practice, central to how we work and why CFSC exists, and relationships with different types of actors, such as involved communities, other nonprofit organizations, and governments.


Three minute explanation of CFSC, narrated by our General Secretary, Jennifer Preston


Our structure

Friends from across Canada are appointed to volunteer on CFSC. Each Friend serves in either a program or an administrative role.

We have three program areas: criminal justice, Indigenous peoples’ human rights, and peace. We have two administrative areas: finance and personnel.

We also have associate members who provide specific expertise on issues we work on.


Quaker faith in practice

While CFSC’s work in the world is rooted in our faith, we never proselytize (attempt to convert people to Quakerism). We respect and honour the perspectives of those we work with, whether from other faith traditions or of no particular faith.

When asked, we answer questions about Quaker faith and practice, but with the intention of sharing information and mutual learning, not seeking conversion. Here are a few answers to frequently asked questions about Quakerism.

In response to a question we’re sometimes asked: CFSC fully supports and works for inclusion, justice, and human rights for all without exception which includes LGBTQ+ folks.

The Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) arose in England in the 1650s, believing that there is an Inner Light or “that of God” in every human being, and that everyone has the capacity to directly experience the Spirit. CFSC’s values flow out of these fundamental beliefs. “Promptings of love and truth in our hearts” are the source of the Quaker commitment to human rights, global justice, and peace.


Since 1931 our logo has been the eight-pointed red and black Quaker star. The star was first worn by British Quakers doing relief work during the Franco-Prussian War in 1870. The original designer and choice of the star is unknown. Wearing it distinguished Quakers from Red Cross members doing similar work. The star, with slight variations, has been used by Quaker service agencies around the world.

Program icons


Audited financial statements

You can read our audited financial statements below (PDF). Contact us for statements from other years:



Download CFSC’s Privacy Policy (PDF). If you’d like to know more about CFSC’s policies please contact us. Our policy manual is over 200 pages. We’re happy to share specifics with anyone who’s interested.