CFSC partners with KAIROS and many other agencies toward our shared vision of a world where peace and justice prevail

On Parliament Hill Canadians show their support for the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples

Partnership informs all of our work—we work in cooperation with individuals, Quaker Meetings, secular organizations, ecumenical organizations, Indigenous organizations, etc.


We believe that peace and justice are built by working with—and supporting—those directly affected by the issues involved; by working together with others with whom we share a common concern; and by working with Quaker Meetings as partners on projects so that the work is connected from the grassroots right up to national and international policy levels.

Partnership is all about relationship—with each other as individuals and as organizations. Our work and projects are informed by listening to peoples' experience and what they understand to be the needs and solutions to problems that directly affect them and their communities. This is the path to a transformed world: broadening circles, respecting one another's knowledge and experience, and working together.


Partner Organizations

We are members or partners of organizations through which we undertake work of common concern. Partners CFSC actively works with include:

Canadian Friends Service Committee is part of a global Quaker network of service agencies, including: