Employment & grants from Canadian Friends Service Committee (Quakers)

CFSC's Jennifer Preston, Monica Walters-Field and Rachel Singleton-Polster at the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues 2014

Canadian Friends Service Committee is a small team and much of the work is done by volunteers, so employment opportunities are available only infrequently. We appreciate all interest, but it is our policy only to respond to candidates who are invited to interview for a position. Thank you for your understanding.

Employment opportunities

None at present. Please follow @CFSCQuakers and subscribe to our E-Newsletter to be informed if we have any employment opportunities.

Volunteer opportunities

Check the service opportunities page to learn about ways you can take positive actions to let your life speak.


The following CFSC grants are available:

CFSC individual grant—up to $2,000

Who can apply? Canadian Quakers and regular attenders of Canadian Quaker Meetings who are undertaking activity related to a peace and social justice concern, or are working to meet a social need (local, national, or international). Those who have received a CFSC individual grant within the last three years are encouraged to seek other sources of funding so that individual grants may be made available to as many Friends as possible.

In-Canada project grant—up to $500

Who can apply? Canadian Quakers and regular attenders of Canadian Quaker Meetings undertaking activities related to a peace and social justice issue, or working to meet a social need (local, national, or international).

CFSC Reconciliation Fund grant—up to $1,000 per year

Who can apply? Indigenous people only.

What kinds of projects qualify? The Reconciliation Fund supports grassroots, community-based efforts of Indigenous people in Canada who are working on cultural and language revitalization and other projects. A Grant Advisory committee advises on CFSC's decisions on grant applications. The Grant Advisory committee is made up of Indigenous individuals CFSC has worked together with for many years. Grants are generally up to $1,000 per year with the possibility of applying for continued funding as needed. Find out more and download the application form.

Indigenous rights project grant—up to $1,000

Who can apply? Indigenous people, Indigenous organizations, Friends, regular attenders, or Meetings seeking funding for work supporting Indigenous peoples' human rights.

What kinds of projects qualify? Proposals should be for grassroots projects (initiated by Indigenous peoples or Quakers working with them) that contribute to the self-determination of Indigenous peoples. Quaker connections are useful, but are not required. Usual maximum grant is $1,000.

Policy on Reconciliation Fund and Indigenous Rights Project Grants

The history of settlers imposing external constraints and requirements on Indigenous peoples leads us to take special care to guide our relationships with Indigenous peoples by CFSC’s values. We have long worked to avoid colonial practices in relations with Indigenous partners, and to avoid being overly bureaucratic.

Transformative justice project grants—up to $1,000

Individuals or organizations, whether Quaker or not, may apply. The project must work to prevent, repair, and move beyond harm in relation to the justice system. It must work through means that are healing for all concerned and for society as a whole.

Consideration will be given to if there is a Friend/Monthly Meeting close to, or involved in, the project.

Rather than providing sustained core funding to established organizations, preference will be given to:

  • projects that others will not fund
  • seed money for new projects/initiatives
  • one-off kinds of projects

Notes about CFSC grants

All work must be carried out in ways consistent with CFSC’s values and that serve CFSC’s overall mission. This includes in particular that those involved in the work should be able to participate regardless of personal characteristics such as race, religion, ethnic affiliation, gender, age, sexual orientation, marital status, etc. Commitment to equality of persons entails actively working to welcome people with diverse experiences and identities in the CFSC funded project.

For all grants, prospective applicants are asked to contact us, to see if their leading may be eligible and to receive an application form.

We do not provide funds for projects that are completed or are near completion. Salaries, tuition, and training expenses usually are not eligible.

All grant applications are reviewed as they are received. This process can take several months to generate a decision.

Recipients of CFSC grants will be required to submit a financial report with original receipts showing how the funds were used. Additionally, applicants will send CFSC a description or story of how CFSC’s funds were used in service of the leading in question. This should include pictures when appropriate. More information about reporting and timelines will be provided to successful applicants.