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November 7, 2023Canadian Friends Service Committee’s book Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division was published in May 2019 by New Society Publishers.
Since then, Peace Program Coordinator Matt Legge—who wrote the book with significant inputs from many different Friends as part of his work for CFSC—has given many presentations and done print, radio, and TV interviews. He has also facilitated many workshops using exercises found in the book (you can register for free for online workshops).
Links to some of the coverage
The Psychology Today blog Matt has been writing to give a small taste of several topics addressed in the book (ongoing): https://psychologytoday.com/us/blog/are-we-done-fighting
Reader ratings and reviews on GoodReads: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/42262770-are-we-done-fighting
Kerulos Center for Nonviolence:
Citizen’s Forum, Cable TV show in Victoria, BC:
CBC Radio in Cape Breton, Nova Scotia:
Northern Spirit Radio in Wisconsin: https://www.northernspiritradio.org/spirit-action/spreading-peace-virus
Interview in CFSC’s newsletter Quaker Concern: https://quakerconcern.ca/cfsc-launches-are-we-done-fighting
Review in Friend’s Journal: https://www.friendsjournal.org/book/are-we-done-fighting-building-understanding-in-a-world-of-hate-and-division
Article in openDemocracy: https://www.opendemocracy.net/en/transformation/are-we-done-fighting
90.5 KWMR (Nonviolence Radio) in Point Reyes, California: https://wagingnonviolence.org/metta/2020/02/the-work-for-peace-begins-when-we-are-ready-to-try-another-way-of-resolving-our-problems
The Unlatched Mind podcast:
Review in TRANSCEND Media Service: https://www.transcend.org/tms/2019/06/are-we-done-fighting-building-understanding-in-a-world-of-hate-and-division
An excerpt from the book in YES! Magazine: https://www.yesmagazine.org/peace-justice/solutions-peace-violence-20190715
BBC Radio (Sunday Sequence) in Belfast:
An interview of Matt by New Society Publishers: https://www.newsociety.com/blog/2019/Interview-with-Matthew-Legge-Author-of-Are-We-Done-Fighting
An article by Matt in The Canadian Friend about the process of writing the book: https://quaker.ca/publication/the-canadian-friend-2019-issue-2-summer (pages 24-25)

Are We Done Fighting? won a Nautilus Book Award in the category of Social Change and Social Justice. With the slogan “better books for a better world” the Nautilus Book Awards recognize books that make a difference and inspire.
Live-streamed talk to a Jungian psychology group:
Some threads from a permaculture discussion forum where Matt spent a week discussing topics from the book with forum users: https://permies.com/wiki/119244/Fighting-Matthew-Legge
Interview on 98.5 CKWR (Cross Cultures show) in Kitchener, ON:
Review by Charles Hauss, author and Senior Fellow for Innovation at the Alliance for Peacebuilding: https://charleshauss.info/portfolio-items/are-we-done-fighting
Review by Conscience Canada: https://www.consciencecanada.ca/?p=1555
Skills for Peaceful Communication Workshop at Lake Eerie Yearly Meeting:
101.9 CFUV (Gorillia Radio show) in Victoria, BC: http://www.gorilla-radio.com/2019/11/07/gorilla-radio-chris-cook-mathew-legge-larry-hannant-janine-bandcroft-november-7th-2019
Review by Linda Hill for the Inclusive Leadership Co-operative: https://inclusiveleadershipco-op.org/2019/11/11/are-we-done-fighting-yet/
The Omega, article about talk given in Kamloops: Via Truomega.ca
Interview with The Big Edition in Kamloops, November, 2019.
Review by Dora Okeyo for her blog https://nilichoandika.wordpress.com/2020/03/29/are-we-done-fighting-by-matthew-legge-book-review
Global News Radio 680 (Kelly Cutrara Show) in Toronto, June 18, 2020.
Review in the April-June 2020 issue of Peace Magazine (PDF).

Find out more about the book and get a free chapter at https://AreWeDoneFighting.com
Find out more about CFSC’s peace work.