
Indigenous Peoples’ human rights

Report on Quakers’ work for reconciliation. (2022)
Report on Quakers’ work for reconciliation. (2020)
Videos in which some of our Indigenous friends and partners answer questions about reconciliation. (Updated 2023)

Queries for Canadian Friends on reconciliation. (2023)

Video series What does sustainability mean to you? Advice for living our responsibilities. (2022)

Podcast about what everyday non-Indigenous people in Canada can do toward reconciliation and relationship building. (2022)

Fact sheet on Indigenous peoples and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. (2022)

Fact sheet on the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples and the UN Sustainable Development Goals. (2022)

Video of Kanieke’ha:ke social worker Wanda Gabriel discussing intergenerational trauma and the UN Declaration. (2021)

One-pager of films to help you learn about Indigenous cultures, rights, and historical and on-going colonialism. (2021)

Report by the Global Indigenous Rights Research Network (which includes CFSC) on implementation of Indigenous rights. (2021)

Backgrounder on self-determination and free, prior, and informed consent. (2021)

Fact sheet correcting myths about implementing the UN Declaration. (Updated 2020)

Report on Quakers’ work for reconciliation. (2019)

Handout to help with writing territory acknowledgments. (2019)

Report on Quakers’ work for reconciliation. (2018)

Fact sheet on free, prior, and informed consent. (2018)

Fact sheet on interpreting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (2018)

Resource to help Friends across Canada engage with the Calls to Action issued by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission. (2018)

Analysis of the significant differences between ‘veto’ and ‘consent’. (Updated 2018)

Report on Quakers’ work for reconciliation. (2017)

Educational resource developed by KAIROS and several member churches seeking to implement the UN Declaration. (2017)

Fact sheet on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (Updated 2017)

Analysis of Indigenous peoples' human rights, the UN Declaration, and sustainable development in international law. (2017)

Brief about the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. (2015)

Joint report on Canada’s failure to resolve specific land claims. (2015)

Analysis of why the UN Declaration is more than just “aspirational”. (Updated 2015)

Brief on the Tsilhqot'in Nation decision and key connections to international law. (2014)

Brief on resource development in western Canada and Indigenous peoples’ human rights. (2014)

Factum to the Supreme Court of Canada on Tsilhqot'in Nation’s title case. (2013)

Analysis of the UN Declaration’s provisions that are relevant to consent. (2013)

Lecture on Quaker witness and testimony on aboriginal title and rights. (2001)


Blog written for Psychology Today about peace and conflict issues. (Ongoing)
Video series of 52 short tips to practice each week for a year to improve conflict skills (also available in PDF). (2024)
Links to articles, podcasts, interviews, and presentations about CFSC’s peace work. (Last updated 2023)
Academic article on how conflict experts might contribute to higher quality activism for positive peace. (2023)

Resource on addressing conflict (developed jointly with Continuing Meeting of Ministry and Counsel).  (2021)

Blog post on conscientious objection to military service with legal analyses. (Updated 2020)

Book Are We Done Fighting? Building Understanding in a World of Hate and Division. (2019)

Analysis of announced increase in Canada’s defence budget. (2017)

Submission to consultation on national security. (2016)

Blog post expressing concerns with Anti-Terrorism Act. (2015)

Research paper on Canadian Friends and Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS). (2015)

Blog post Is it time for a Canadian military intervention in Iraq? (2014)

Booklet The Four Elements of Peacebuilding: How to Protect Nonviolently. (2013)

Brochure for young people considering joining the military (2011, 2nd printing).

Submission in response to the Anti-Terrorism Act. (2005)

Transformative justice

Video sharing a story about the impacts on children when a parent is incarcerated. (2024)
Video sharing five effective alternatives to prison. (2023)
Video of an event on correspondence with people in prisons, why it matters, and how to get involved. (2022)

Infographic with data from the 2021-2022 Office of the Correctional Investigator's report about Mother-Child Units in prisons. (2022)

Discussion paper on reducing reoffending through investing in communities (includes input from CFSC). (2022)

Infographic for Prisoners' Justice Day 2021 about the need to abolish prisons. (2021)

Handout on alternatives to prison. (2019)
Report Breaking the Silence: Dialogue on Children of Incarcerated Parents. (2019)
Brief history (2 pages) of CFSC's work on transformative justice. (Updated 2018)

Handout on parole and its role in rehabilitation and community safety. (2017)

Handout From Harm to Healing: Transforming the Justice System. (2015)

Guidelines for mother-child units in Canadian correctional facilities. (We participated in the editing process.) (2015)

Film A classic that includes Friends and others talking about what penal abolition means and how to achieve it. (2003)

Other issues

Pamphlet on how to engage in peace and social justice activism in a Quakerly way. (2023)
Guidelines used internally by CFSC in communications: What Makes CFSC's Voice Different? (Updated 2023)

Pamphlet for Quakers on discerning peace and social concerns. (2022)

Videos of various Friends telling stories of how they came to be involved as volunteers, staff, and donors. (2021)

Video with stories and tips for engaging in peaceful protest. (2021)

Update on synthetic biology. (2021)

Update on synthetic biology. (2020)

Update on synthetic biology. (2019)

Update on synthetic biology. (2018)

Position paper exploring the major issues, and our hopes and fears related to synthetic biology. (2017)

Update on synthetic biology. (2017)

Update on synthetic biology #2. (2016)

Update on synthetic biology #1. (2016)

Handout with tips on preparing for and visiting your Member of Parliament to raise issues of concern. (Updated 2015)

Handout addressing the question, “What do Quakers have to do with synthetic biology?” (2015)

Update on synthetic biology #2. (2015)

Update on synthetic biology #1. (2015)

Update on synthetic biology. (2014)

Quaker Concern newsletter

For more than 50 years Quaker Concern has been the newsletter of CFSC. It’s put out three times a year in print and digital formats. It share stories, updates, and calls to action. Read it online at, donate to get a print subscription as our thank you, or click below for the most recent issues in PDF.

Open letters: Indigenous Peoples’ human rights

Joint statement on the anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (2024)
Joint statement on the future work of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (EMRIP 2024)
Joint statement on enhancing the participation of Indigenous Peoples in the United Nations (EMRIP 2024)
Joint statement on implementing the UN Declaration through law reform and judicial processes (EMRIP 2024)
Joint statement on the anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (2023)
Joint statement on monitoring the implementation of the UN Declaration. (EMRIP 2023)
Joint statement on future work of the Expert Mechanism on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (EMRIP 2023)
Joint statement responding to Canada’s UNDRIP Act National Action Plan. (2023)
Joint statement calling for National Action Plans to implement Indigenous rights. (UNPFII 2023)
Joint statement on the anniversary of the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (2022)

Joint statement on Canada’s adoption of An Act Respecting the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (EMRIP 2022)

Joint statement about the Sustainable Development Goals and the UN Declaration. (UNPFII 2022)

Open letter to all candidates in Canada’s federal election calling to prioritize implementation of UN Declaration. (2021)

Joint statement on Canada’s adoption of An Act Respecting the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples. (EMRIP, 2021)

Joint statement celebrating the passage of Bill C-15, a milestone for Indigenous rights and reconciliation. (2021)

Open letter to Senators encouraging them to ensure that Bill C-15 is adopted into law. (2021)

Joint submission by churches to the Senate’s Standing Committee on Aboriginal Peoples on Bill C-15. (2021)

Joint submission to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs on Bill C-15. (2021)

Joint submission by churches to the Standing Committee on Indigenous and Northern Affairs on Bill C-15. (2021)

Open letter published in The Hill Times with more than 150 expert signatories supporting Bill C-15. (2021)

Article published in The Hill Times on church support for C-15. (2021)

Joint statement on the anniversary of the global adoption of the UN Declaration. (2020)

Open letter calling for federal legislation to implement the UN Declaration. (2020)

Statement on the need for governments to actively involve Indigenous peoples in responses to police violence. (2020)

Joint statement on respect of Indigenous peoples’ human rights during COVID-19 pandemic. (2020)

Open letter in solidarity with the Wet’suwet’en People. (2020)

Joint statement on legislation to provide a framework for implementing the UN Declaration in British Columbia. (2019)

Open letters: peace

Open letter calling on Canada to stop all arms transfers to Israel. (2024)
Open letter calling on Canada to support and cooperate with the International Criminal Court. (2024)
Joint statement calling on Canada to suspend all trade in military goods with Israel. (2024)
Joint statement by Quaker organizations with calls to action for just peace in Palestine/Israel (2024).
Open letter calling for support for Genocide Convention case against Israel. (2024)
Open letter calling for a permanent ceasefire in Gaza. (2023)
Open letter calling for refusal of second extradition of Hassan Diab. (2023)
Joint statement by Quaker organizations calling for a ceasefire and humanitarian protections in Gaza. (2023)
Statement in response to the intensity of violence in Palestine/Israel. (2023)
Open letter to the United Nations urging respect for human rights while working to address antisemitism. (2023)
Open letter opposing the use of flawed IHRA working definition by Canadian Heritage. (2023)

Open letter on Palestinian children in Israeli military detention. (2022)

Joint statement from Quaker agencies on the Quaker peace testimony and Ukraine. (2022)

Open letter in support of Hassan Diab and changes to Canada’s Extradition Act. (2022)

Open letter expressing concerns over housing demolitions in Masafer Yatta. (2022)

Joint statement on the need for NATO to reduce the risks posed by nuclear weapons. (2022)

Blog post on possible alternatives to a military response following Russia invading Ukraine. (2022)

Open letter sent before Russia invaded calling for Canada to pursue diplomacy re: Ukraine. (2022)

Open letter calling on Canada to stop transferring arms to Saudi Arabia. (2021)

Open letter calling for military carbon emissions transparency and cuts. (2021)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace calling for new global partnerships to strengthen peace and inclusion. (2021)

Open letter to federal party leaders calling for a shift to a shared security paradigm. (2021)

Open letter to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation on their coverage of Palestine/Israel. (2021)

Open letter calling for a moratorium on apparently Islamophobic audits by the Canada Revenue Agency. (2021)

Open letter expressing dismay at potential war crimes committed in Gaza. (2021)

Open letter urging Canada to condemn demolition of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem. (2021)

Open letter applauding efforts to address online hate and calling for these not to include the flawed IHRA. (2021)

Open letter asking what Canada is doing to see that Mohammed El Halabi gets a fair trial. (2021)

Open letter urging an end to arming Saudi Arabia, support for peaceful, green production jobs. (2021)

Open letter calling for sustainable funding for UNRWA. (2020)

Open letter calling for Canada to sign and ratify the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons. (2020)

Open letter to the University of Toronto regarding the rescinding of a job offer to Valentina Azarova. (2020)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace calling for States to recommit to peace. (2020)

Open letter calling for Canada to cease arming Saudi Arabia and improve compliance with the Arms Trade Treaty. (2020)

Open letter encouraging a ban on facial recognition software by law enforcement and intelligence agencies. (2020)

Open letter expressing dismay at US Middle East “peace” plan and calling for Canada to reject it. (2020)

Open letter about Canada’s recent votes at the UN regarding Israel/Palestine. (2020)

Open letter calling for Canada to relentlessly engage in diplomacy with Iran. (2020)

Open letter stating that Quakers are not invested in companies profiting from the Israeli occupation. (2019)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace: “People, planet and peace.” (2019)

Open letter calling for release of Segal report into the extradition of Hassan Diab. (2019)

Joint letter to Senators calling for changes to the Canada-Israel Free Trade Agreement. (2019)

Open letter about serious remaining loopholes as Canada accedes to the Arms Trade Treaty. (2019)

Open letter calling for Mohamed Harkat not to be deported from Canada. (PDF, 2018)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace encouraging peace, human rights, justice, and inclusion. (2018)

Open letter on Canada’s participation in the arms trade and the Arms Trade Treaty. (2018)

Open letter calling for independent inquiry into the extradition of Hassan Diab and changes to Canada’s Extradition Act. (2018)

Open letter calling for honesty in labeling of settlement products. (2018)

Open letter supporting legislation to prevent strategic lawsuits against public participation in British Columbia. (2018)

Open letter calling for intervention on behalf of Hassan Diab. (2017)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace calling for peace actions from governments. (2017)

Statement on the launch of No Way to Treat a Child campaign in Canada. (2017)

Open letter expressing profound concern with famines in Yemen, South Sudan, Somalia, and Nigeria. (2017)

Open letter calling for Mohamed Harkat not to be deported from Canada. (2016)

Open letter calling on Canada to restore funding to the UN Relief and Works Agency. (2016)

Open letter asking that conscientious objectors to the Iraq war be allowed to stay in Canada. (2016)

Open letter sent by the Canadian Council of Churches supporting conscientious objectors to the Iraq war. (2016)

Joint statement on International Day of Peace calling on governments to embrace the new Global Framework for Peace. (2016)

Open letter to the government of Canada on the situation of Palestinian refugees. (2016)

Open letter on Ontario Government response to Palestinian rights advocacy. (2016)

Joint statement supporting the right to dissent, including in the case of the boycott, divestment, sanctions (BDS) movement. (2016)

Open letter Quakers appalled by Islamophobia in Canada. (2015)

Open letter on the right to participate in boycotts of the products of illegal Israeli settlements. (2015)

Open letter expressing concerns with Canada-Israel Memorandum of Understanding. (2015)

Statement in opposition to the military intervention in Libya. (2011)

Brief to the Federal Court of Appeal (case of Jeremy Hinzman, conscientious objector to the Iraq war). (2010)

Open letters: transformative justice

Open letter signed by 85 groups calling for end to use of federal prisons for immigration detention. (2024)
Open letter on Canada’s engagement in its review by the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. (2021)
Open letter calling for major changes to how Canada’s federal prisons use solitary confinement. (2021)

Open letter supporting proposed reforms to Canada’s Criminal Records Act. (2020)

Open letter calling for reversal of Ontario’s decision to eliminate the Child and Youth Advocate. (2018)

Open letter supporting an end to mandatory minimum sentencing. (2018)

Open letter calling for judicial discretion in sentencing. (2018)

Open letter supporting changes to the criminal code to remove Section 43 (about hitting children). (2017)

Open letter endorsing Ontario Human Rights Commission’s Strategy for a Safer Ontario submission. (2016)

Open letter endorsing No On Prison Expansion (#NOPE) initiative. (2016)

Submission on the review of segregation in adult correctional facilities in Ontario. (2016)

Submission in response to white paper two of the BC Justice Reform Initiative. (2013)

Submission to the Justice Reform Initiative mandated to review the BC justice system. (2012)

Submission regarding Bill C-10, The Safe Streets and Community Act. (2011)

Open letter concerning increased incarceration in Canada. (2010)

Open letters: environment and misc

Open letter calling for no environmental release of gene drive organisms. (2022)

Open letter calling on Canada to protect ecosystems by supporting a new international crime of ecocide. (2022)

Open letter calling for human rights and environmental due diligence legislation for Canadian corporations. (2021)

Open letter calling for transparency and government oversight of all genetically engineered foods and seeds. (2021)

Joint statement condemning systemic racism in Canada and calling on Quakers to take action. (2020)

Open letter calling for human rights oversight of Canadian government responses to the COVID-19 pandemic. (2020)

Open letter expressing deep concerns over He Jiankui’s claims of editing the genes of babies. (2018)

Open letter on closing the international accountability gap in the extractive sector. (2016)

Joint statement on Canada’s responsibilities to take more significant action on climate change. (2015)

Open letter with 53 religious investors calling for a clear, reliable, and effective price for carbon emissions. (2015)

Joint statement by Quaker groups from around the world on facing the challenge of climate change. (2015)

Canadian Yearly Meeting minutes

Yearly Meeting minutes record the collective positions of Quakers in Canada.  This process usually starts when a local Quaker Meeting develops a concern. It may then be studied and seasoned for some time before a minute is brought forward to a session of Canadian Yearly Meeting—the national body of Quakers in Canada. Canadian Friends Service Committee is a committee of Yearly Meeting, which is why the Yearly Meeting minutes below call on CFSC to work on particular issues.